The IT industry is one of the most progressive and highly profitable activities. Even though IT activity does not directly produce food, household, and other goods, its indirect impact on their production is enormous.

At the same time, IT activities have overwhelming characteristics that require high-quality and effective legal regulation.

First of all, this is because IT is mainly a transnational business. In a sense, the IT industry has created a new type of business activity that is more like a transnational project than a transnational corporation. In such a project the management company is located in one state, whereas its divisions are based in the territories of many other states. At the same time, the IT performers of each such division can also carry out their activities within the territory of different states.

Therefore, the legal organization of an IT business shall consider the corporate, economic, financial, labor, and tax features of the legislation of many different countries to ensure profitable, sustainable, and legal business development.

The approach to solving similar problems is based on the development of complex interaction schemes centered around the awareness of the production features of IT activities and on the ability to create a unified “legal canvas of business” under the legislation of different countries.

Another important feature of the IT business is the creation of new intellectual property products grounded in a large number of new or borrowed intellectual elements created by a community of various performers, often acting under different terms of cooperation and within the legal fields of several states. In this case, the successful protection of the managing company’s intellectual property rights to the final intellectual product is based not only on the competent application of international and national law but also on the ability to draft structured and combined chains of contracts between departments and IT performers.

The third important feature of IT business is the need to protect commercial and other confidential information of each IT project. In this case, in addition to the enforcement of international and national law and various data security protocols, it is also necessary to understand the mentality of IT performers of different nationalities and ensure high-quality personnel supervision over the selection of team leaders.

In turn, lawyers and attorneys of the FOX group of companies have extensive knowledge and profound experience (since 2008) in the field of legal support for IT projects of European companies, as well as in the field of ensuring legal control over the activities of IT performers in the countries of Eastern Europe and countries of the former USSR.

We will provide highly qualified advice to private companies and government agencies along with effective support for your IT activities.